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2019 Social Media Tips To Grow Your Business: What I learned from Gary Vee.

Last week at the National Achievers Congress in Auckland, New Zealand, we had the opportunity to hear from Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as Gary Vee. Gary Vee is first known as a wine critic who expanded his family's wine business but best known for his work in digital marketing and social media. This guru (as a person and a brand) is well established and followed on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and with social presence on ‘Tik Tok’ and ‘Youtube.’

When we finally got to hear from Gary, he did not waste any time in waiting to give us value and went ‘straight to the point’ as he began his presentation by saying “the two biggest arbitrages as platforms in this market are Tik Tok and LinkedIn.” Basically what he was saying is, if you want to grow your brand or business then you really need to be posting value on these social platforms.

“the two biggest arbitrages as platforms in this market are Tik Tok and LinkedIn.”

Gary also advised entrepreneurs on how to use social media platforms to win by simply posting more content. He passionately told entrepreneurs in the room that they are ruining their business if they “are not posting 25 pieces of content a day on LinkedIn”. The underlying message I took from here is that quantity is just as important as quality. From my personal experience in building brands I have learned that this actually means ‘consistency’. If you want your brand to be in the minds of your audience daily, then they need to see you daily. Just like building a relationship, you need to spend more time with that person than any other person. In other words, on social media, the more content they see or have of yours then the more time they will spend with you right? Executing this effectively is key to creating a psychological and memorable relationship that is very difficult to divorce from. People will remember you and know you! It’s very hard to forget or un-know someone or a brand after spending so much time with them.

"If you want your brand to be in the minds of your audience daily, then they need to see you daily."

In contrast to the quantity of social media posts, Gary Vee highlighted the key to creating quality content by having“kindness” as your intent for sharing content. Gary told us that “If the intent of what you do is selfish, then you will always lose!”. Posting content should be about giving (gifting) value to your customers and audience, “It should not be a trick to get into a (sales) funnel.”

“If the intent of what you do is selfish, then you will always lose!”.


Need More Tips or Help With Your Social Media Marketing or Branding?

I am more than happy to chat on the phone with you for 30 mins to give you some FREE advice. You can reach me on 0273002253 or email



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